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Self Care Tips To Bring More Joy In Your Day

self care - dancing

Often we neglect our own self care because we believe it is going to take far too much time out of our already “busy” schedules!! However, the reality is self care doesn’t have to take hours, it can be easily achieved in very small pockets of time.

“Self care is the care we give our mind & body to function optimally”

Below are twenty-five (25) self care ideas that you can achieve in ONLY five (5) minutes … 

  1. Boost your mood with some feel-good music;
  2. Listen to a motivational or inspiring podcast;
  3. Meditate;
  4. Get outside for a few deep breaths of fresh air + a Vitamin D boost;
  5. Laugh (or at least smile) for absolutely no reason at all;
  6. Express gratitude for something uniquely special in your life;
  7. Say “NO”;
  8. Do some Yoga stretching (or fascial releasing);
  9. Brew (& drink) a green or herbal tea;
  10. Call a friend to say hi & see how they are going;
  11. Watch & listen to the ocean waves rolling in;
  12. Walk (or run) around the block;
  13. Go out into the rain & feel the water splash on your face;
  14. Say a positive mantra;
  15. Rest (or stay still) in silence & simply breath;
  16. Turn off the phone, all the noise & just be;
  17. Read your favourite book or magazine;
  18. Dance (& sing) to your favourite tune;
  19. Prepare (& drink) a green juice;
  20. Diffuse some Essential Oils;
  21. Snuggle with your loved one;
  22. Get (or give yourself) a mini massage;
  23. Stop & smell the flowers and while you are at it just listen & notice everything around you;
  24. Exercise (eg push ups, squats, lunges, etc);
  25. Listen to your child read (or tell you a story).

How many would you try?

Do you have any that you believe should be added to the list?

I would love to hear what things you do to practice self care.


3 thoughts on “Self Care Tips To Bring More Joy In Your Day”

  1. Pingback: The Use Of Magnesium For Better Health – Pure Yoga

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